Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is Hope & how about Change?

I've been thinking about hope since last night. Here is why I think hope is a pretty useless emotion. I HOPE that when I die I will be reunited with my loved ones & pets who went before me. I have FAITH that I will, but I really don't know 100%. There is nothing I can do to change or influence this out come - so that is what HOPE is. Something that you have absolutely no control over, but you hope it comes to pass.

Here are 2 situations where HOPE will fail you every time. You are driving in a car & it skids off the road, into a pond, & starts filling up with water. Now, you can sit in your seat & HOPE that you get out, HOPE that someone saw you, HOPE that they have the ability to rescue you. But as long as you SIT IN YOUR SEAT and do NOTHING, HOPE will do very very little for you. You must ACT to make a difference in this situation.

You can HOPE you win the lottery. Every drawing read the winning numbers, plan your future with your winnings, maybe even start buying stuff based on your winnings because you really HOPE it is going to happen tonight. But if you never take ACTION - like buying a Lottery ticket - all your HOPE is kind of wasted.

Pretty much everything that can be CHANGED and does not rely on HOPE. But you know, we like that word. "I HOPE you have a great day." "I HOPE to go to college someday." I HOPE I meet the perfect person for me." None of that is ever going to happen if you just sit around hoping.

So we have a president who appealed to our love of the word HOPE. It inspires us. I HOPE that he is the guy who makes a difference, who makes the CHANGE for the good. But all in all, he is just ANOTHER Politician. He has nothing different than all the others had before him. He has a shady past and hangs around with shady characters. His Chief of Staff & best friend/adviser are his the puppet masters (a la Dick Cheney). He is NOTHING special. But he DOES want to make a lot of changes really fast & he told a lot of lies to get into the position to make these changes.

I know you want to defend him and say, no, he never lied. But the proof is in the video tape. We were to have transparency, all bills were to be on the internet for 72 hours BEFORE they were voted on so the people could see them. On and on. He is trying to force things on us (like Health care and Cap & Trade), again, appealing to your HOPE that it is good. It sounds good, only the really really rich bastards will pay for it, it will be free for me, at least I sure HOPE so.

He is also a victim. So because he is a victim, most of his supporters would rather stick up for him than stop and think, maybe there is one ounce of truth in what his critics are saying. If Hollywood loves him, that should be your first clue something is wrong with him. But you think you know him, you think you know all the Hollywood stars. After all, you let them all come into your homes and you read up on them. They are special to you, so they know what is best for you. NOT

Recently, I was dressed down by a couple of people for expressing my political views on Facebook - that was because my views didn't line up with theirs. If it had, I am sure they would have said nothing to me. But 1st Amendment & all I can say what I like.

I voted for George W. Bush because I was a Republican & I didn't like Clinton & I liked Gore even less. I didn't know anything about Bush, didn't care. Just didn't want Gore to win. You ever voted like that???? Then after 9/11 I became a big Bush fan & I ignored anything he did, as long as my Gov't kept us safe. When we went to Iraq I had no clue why we were there but I figured they knew more than I did. So it went on for 8 years. I couldn't vote for Kerry, another extreme looser.

Then this past election came & I was in for Romney. I thought his business experience & his having been a governor would help him run this country well. But we got McCain. So I had a choice of a Republican Liberal or a Far Left Democrat. Had to go with McCain. But by then Obama, ACORN & all the rest had laid the path to it being a sure win for him.

I know, you want to protect him. You want to think he won because he WAS the best man for the job. Poor guy, everyone picks on him. But he wasn't. There were dirty politics at all times. There were lies, and you let them slide by, you believed. You believed in HOPE AND CHANGE.

Well, you got the CHANGE. I sure HOPE it is what you thought you were going to get, because I personally think America is screwed. Unless someone STANDS UP AND TAKES ACTION against this machine that got Obama elected, you know an unknown nobody, he is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

So far all I see is Limbaugh & Beck standing up to this mess. Meanwhile, the Administration is trying hard to crush them, playing the victim at every turn. Never answering a question. Because you WANT to believe the lies, why should he even try to explain. So keep feeling pity for your victim president, don't open your eyes until it is too late. We are getting deeper & deeper in that pond, but still just a hopin' someone is up there really concerned about our safety...while you start planning what you will do with your lottery winnings...