Monday, January 19, 2009

What I would do if I could fly...

Ro Paxman asked an interesting question and this is how I responded:

1) I would fly over my old neighborhood in Pittsburg California(much like I do on Google Earth) and gather up all my old memories, write them down with accompanying old pix or drawings and make my heirs a book of who my parents and I were - long ago and far away.

View Larger Map (The house with the big tree on the R side is my old house - they don't have a street view just a birds eye - drat - my address was NOT 170)

2) I would fly to heaven to visit my son, my parents & my dogs.


3) I would fly to Germany weekly to check up on my other parents (yes I have two sets) to see how their health is and visit with my siblings.

4) Whenever it was dark, rainy or just cloudy I would soar above the clouds and enjoy the sunshine, play on the pillow clouds and wave at people in passing by airplanes.

5) Speaking of airplanes, I would dance upon the wings of jumbo jets, peek in the windows at the people flying inside and give them hope that something else exists out there.

6) I would go to Alaska during the summer and marvel in its beauty.

7) I would fly to all the places I have never been and long to go - the New England Seaboard, Nova Scotia, Great Britain, Jackson Hole & the surrounding area.

8)I would take prize winning pictures that even Art Wolf can't capture, write wonderful stories about people and places all with a new perspective, that of one ABOVE the din and noise of society.

9)I would never be afraid again of terrorists, because when I flew I would go somewhere and prepare a place that I could take my family too and we could be safe. I couldn't take everyone, I know that, I would like to, but I am only one person. But I could take my family and from there we would sit in our hiding place and pray for mankind.

10) I would write a book about how the impossible is possible - because I can fly!

1 comment:

  1. I have to tell you, I love your response, especially that one about writing the book.

    Very fun!
