Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Easy Tip to Help Remember the Past

Here is a tip & I find it is helping me remember lots of things - after all - it is in there, somewhere. Every time I think of a story I write it down. I have a directory called Nana's memories. So if I die the kids will find it, but if not, when I get the inkling I can make a book out of them. I just write what I remember, say one topic might be my mom cooking chicken every Sunday. Then if I think of more, I go in and append it. I don't care that it is cohesive, just want to preserve that memory, as sometimes they flit in & out at lightning speed. If I am not where I can write it I record it on the record feature on my phone or you can even leave a VM. Then write it when you get the chance. It really works, you should try it! Before you know it you may have the remembrance you are looking for. :-} 
Me at 3 (Christmas 1957)
Each memory should be a separate file. This really works well if you are going through pictures. Maybe you see a place or a toy or something & have a fond memory about it. Record it. That is how your son & grandchildren will really know who you are.
I do genealogy & names are nothing if they don't have some flesh on them. These are your flesh once you are gone. Pix & words. 

(I told my friend this today & thought it is a good tip I will share it.)