Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hold me accountable...

My last "map" by karrelbuck
My last "map" a photo by karrelbuck on Flickr.

This is an assignment I had to do for my orientation class, I thought it would be good to post it here so you guys can hold me accountable.
(The photo is a treasure map for those who don't know)

Jac Tree's Goal Action Plan #1

• Goal: To achieve balance in my new life. To once again live a plan, rather than just living a life of serendipity.

• Type of goal: This is a main personal goal that will be broken into various smaller goals.

• Purpose of goal: Once again I have a new life path and I want to make this period of my life successful and learn the lessons that I am here to learn, which includes avoiding the mistakes I have made before, some many, many times.

• Major benefit to me: Once I define and begin to achieve my smaller goals I will no longer be the person that I am today. I will no longer start things and not finish them. I will no longer spend money as if it grows on trees. I will no longer live the laissez aller life. I will live as if my life has consequences .

• Benefit to others: I am a person who is happy to wind up wherever the wind may blow me, but this can cause problems in all walks of life and with other people. I am always waiting for the next better thing to come along, afraid to commit. This time around I am going to be committed to commitment.

• Barriers: My barrier is distraction. I start out with good intentions and something will catch my eye or my mind, and I am off checking that out. Pretty much like a puppy. I have very little “stick-to-it” genes. I am also one of those people who thrives on adrenalin rushes, so I tend to do things at the last minute.

• Solution: I am not really a list maker, but I found if I keep a pad near me and write down what needs to be done I actually do the things on the pad. I have to do this in every area of my life. Not because I enjoy completing things on a list, or get a thrill from crossing them off. I cannot live by a list, but a small one keeps me focused on what I need to do at that segment of time. Again, I live by serendipity so having very small “goals” keep me from being distracted.

• Action milestones: When I got divorced in 1990 I made a 5 year plan, this was my plan to get healthy in all areas. I am going to do this again, but it will not be the same as before. One reason is I am not 33 anymore. I have learned a lot already from those earlier goals. So my milestones may be as follows (most of these I am already working on but have not written them down until today, so they are not refined).

1. Get finances in order.
 Live within my means
 Create a budget. (date)
 Stop “window shopping”
2. Get physically healthy
 Visit doctor and see what needs to be worked on
 Begin a healthy living style
 Eating plan (date)
 Exercise plan (date)
3. More family time
 Spend more time visiting with my grandchildren
 Spend more time with my kids and listen better
4. Learn and use
 Take the time to actually learn to “do” each of my interests correctly. Not just pick it up and run fast, then leave it lay (sometimes for years), only to pick it up again sometime later. Over and over.
 Participate and not just observe.
5. Become more social
 Investigate clubs I would like to join (date)
 Attend meetings
 Meet new people
 Bust preconceived ideas of people
 Participate in events, not just observe
6. Be an example for others
 Make sure that I keep others posted on my journey (through social media), so that they will see that if you really want it, nothing can stop you. Also, so they can see the mistakes I make and how I work it out.

• Overall target date: 3/12/2011 is two months since my husband died. I have been implementing these goals since the minute of 1/12/2011 that I realized that I had to have a new plan. On 4/16/2011 I will be 57 years old. This is my “New Year’s Day”. So by 4/16/201, I will have my Goal Map created. This map will include dates, it will include the things I KNOW I want to attain and when I plan to attain then, and it will have room for changes and additions. And I will have begun a new goal treasure map.